You likely have been in the grocery store and seen gum or candy that says “contains xylitol.” But what exactly is xylitol? Let’s examine the ingredients, how they can help your teeth, and what other foods you can find them in.
What is Xylitol?
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar (or carbohydrate) found in various foods, including fruits, mushrooms, lettuce, and corn. It’s also used as a tabletop sweetener and in baking. It contains around 40% fewer calories per gram than other carbohydrates and has been used in food since around the 1960s. It also has a low glycemic index.
It’s been used to provide a sweet taste to various foods, including chewing gum, mints, and other candies. They are often labeled as “sugar-free.”
While it’s mainly used for its sweet flavor, it can also have various health benefits for your teeth.
How Can Xylitol Help Your Teeth?
Despite being a sugar substitute, xylitol has been shown to reduce tooth decay in both high and low-risk patients. It’s nonfermentable, which means the bacteria in the mouth cannot convert it into acid that breaks down enamel and leads to tooth decay. It also reduces the amount of plaque-causing bacteria and makes plaque less sticky.
Because inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases, reducing plaque and gum inflammation could also benefit the rest of your body.
For xylitol to have this effect on your teeth, you need at least six grams per day. Foods containing xylitol will list the amount included in the nutritional facts on the label.
While brushing your teeth regularly and flossing are still recommended, eating foods with xylitol can be a great addition to your diet and help improve your overall dental health.
Where Can I Get Xylitol?
Xylitol can be found in many different items at your grocery store. This includes chewing gums, mints, and a large variety of candy. Look for items that say “sugar-free,” but make sure to check the ingredients list as well because not all sugar-free products use xylitol. You can also find toothpaste and mouthwash with xylitol.
As stated above, xylitol is also found in foods like corn on the cob, lettuce, berries, fruits, and mushrooms. Adding these foods to your diet can significantly benefit the health of your teeth and gums. More specifically, it can reduce the risk of cavities in adults and children.
Schedule A Consultation Today!
When you’re looking to improve the health of your teeth, xylitol is a great tool to add to your diet. But beyond that, regular teeth cleanings and dental checkups are vital. At South Meadows Dental & Orthodontics, our team can ensure you have all the tools you need to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Schedule a consultation today by calling our Reno, NV office at (775) 413-2976 or using our online contact form.